
Python TimeUUID

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蘇恆永 蘇恆永

什麼時候讓用 time UUID,Url link 

StackOverflow 有人提供了一段 code:
Url link

public static String reorderTimeUUId(String originalTimeUUID)
        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(originalTimeUUID, "-");
        if (tokens.countTokens() == 5)
            String time_low = tokens.nextToken();
            String time_mid = tokens.nextToken();
            String time_high_and_version = tokens.nextToken();
            String variant_and_sequence = tokens.nextToken();
            String node = tokens.nextToken();

            return time_high_and_version + '-' + time_mid + '-' + time_low + '-' + variant_and_sequence + '-' + node;


        return originalTimeUUID;

把它翻成 python :

def getTimeUUID(uuidVar)
    # ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8713873/is-python-uuid1-sequential-as-timestamps
    import uuid
    if not isinstance(uuidVar, uuid.UUID):
        uuidVar = uuid.uuid1()
    tmp = str(uuidVar)

    tokens = tmp.split("-")
    if len(tokens) == 5:
        time_low, time_mid, time_high_and_version, variant_and_sequence, node = tokens
        return time_high_and_version + '-' + time_mid + '-' + time_low + '-' + variant_and_sequence + '-' + node
    return tmp

原理是原本的 UUID (uuid1) 組合是:
time_low – time_mid – time_high_and_version – variant_and_sequence – node

time_high_and_version – time_mid – time_low – variant_and_sequence – node

這樣產生出來的 UUID 就可以按時間排序了.

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